Saturday, June 16, 2018

Will's Baptism and Cookies Galore!

Hello Everybody, Sister Dalley here.
Monday after the pier, we played frisbee and volleyball for pday and did our other pday stuff. We tried to visit some of our should be YSAs and then played human hungry hungry hippos for FHE. It was so funny. Our should be YSAs had a blast.

Tuesday, we had donuts and orange juice at district meeting, I love my district, we practiced teaching to the needs of an “investigator”. It was really cool to see, even though it was not a real investigator, we were able to teach and testify and feel the spirit. We went on midday exchanges and I went to the Del Mar area with Hermana Wilhelmsen, so I was Hermana Dalley for the day. We did a lot of Spanish work that day, we tried a couple of people all in Spanish. They knew I could not understand most of what they were saying but I was able to follow. It would take me a minute to figure out what they asked and then a minute to formulate an answer but it was so fun. Dad why didn’t you teach me more Spanish? Instead of walking away discouraged I walked away with a desire to know more Spanish.

We took an investigator to play beach volleyball with the ward. As we were walking away a cute girl came up and said “Hey sisters,” and asked us to join their bbq on the beach. She was excitedly waiting for her mission call. As we were about to leave, my cousin Josh came to the party and I was able to talk to him and my cousin Jenna who just received her mission call. I am so excited for Jenna!

That night sister Wilhelmsen taught me to pray in spanish. It is my favorite thing ever. It was the best. It was a good day and so much fun for me!

Wednesday, I read in Mosiah 18 about Abinadi who did not see the 450 people baptized or Alma come to know. He and Alma both followed God and His commandments. They both taught and loved. Everything is in God’s timing.

After studies, we went to service at an investigator named Tara’s house. She is so sweet. We pulled up trees and planted them in other places and moved pebbles. While we were helping she talked to us about balance and nature. Thanks dad for teaching me about landscaping, I definitely needed it.
We exchanged back and Sister Miles and I went to our first trainer follow up meeting which was awesome. We ate dinner with the Sweetwoods who I love. Sister Sweetwood said she wants to be my mission grandma. We met with a should be YSA named Andi. We love Andi, she wants to go on a mission so likes to be with us and wants to go on exchanges with us. We love Andi and are praying for her.

We then went contacting at Carlsbad Village where the first people we talked to were mild bash but respectful, the second people we talked to accepted a Book of Mormon, the third people we talked to total bash and this guy was so mean. I do not bash, it drives away the spirit, I walked away and cried for him because he needs God so much.

That night we made cookie dough, a lot of it. We overestimated what we needed but all worked out in the end.

Thursday was fun, we visited some should be YSAs and they came to sports night at the church which was volleyball.

Friday we made the cookies while doing weekly planning and we ended up making 392 cookies. We were trying to thank 13 companionships for helping us with our should be YSAs. Ya we made a little much.

Saturday, we did work and got ready for a baptism for Sunday. We celebrated sister Miles one month in the mission. A member Sam had us for dinner and made veggie lasagna just for me. So nice. We did a lot of should be YSA work and contacting.

Sunday was awesome! I love studies, the scriptures and the hymns. We went to ward council and church. I love church. Church is awesome! Sister Rowe gave gardenias to all the girls. They are gorgeous and smell so good.

We had Will’s baptism after church. I don’t know if I told you Will’s story … Will lived in Texas and is a pro skater who grew up with a bunch of mormon friends who brought him to church and introduced him to the gospel. I don’t know them but I am so proud of them. They all went on missions and Will moved here to Carlsbad to skate. The Sunday after he moved here he decided he still wanted to go to church so he googled YSA LDS churches near me. He walked into church and introduced himself to us and the Elders and we all thought he was a member. Later he was talking to an older member of our ward (a teacher), Brother Packard. He asked Will if he had served a mission and Will said, “no.” Elder Packard asked him if he was considering one. Will answered, “Well maybe, I think it would be a cool thing to do.” Elder Packard asked what was holding him back from being serving a mission and Will answered that he probably needed to be baptized first. :) He was just golden and elect.

The baptism was beautiful. I was asked to give the talk on baptism and Sister Miles played the piano. We both were asked to share our testimonies while they changed back into dry clothes. It was just so fun to be a part of his experience even though we didn’t teach him, we love him so much! We used the extra cookies for Will’s baptism and everyone loved them. God had a plan all along!
Afterwards we went to dinner again with Brennan’s family. They love us. One of his little sisters drew us a sweet little picture. Brennan’s grandma also loves us which is good because she is not a member and she usually doesn’t love the missionaries.

I love you and appreciate you. Thank you for everything you do for me. I know God loves you so so much. Have a happy fun filled week and summer! Love you, love you, Bye!

Sister Dalley

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