Monday, July 16, 2018

Blessings During a Hard Week

Hello everybody! Good morning!
M - Pday, we went to the pier with a sister who went home. We helped her pack and President and Sister Thomas came to pick her up. We went to Cessy’s for lunch and went bowling. I didn’t do too bad. Our MSF card info was stolen so they had to order new cards and cancel our old ones. So that is fun. We did the usual shopping email and laundry and then FHE. While I was there, my phone just started blowing up and I looked and it was Baby Jane! I love that girl already! Sadee congratulations! I am so excited she is here. You have to tell her, Aunty Jo loves her and will be the favorite even though there are a lot of aunties there.

I was filled in on a lot of information on Sunday and Monday. I found out that Cole passed away  and that was hard. I love that kid so much he is amazing. I found out my daddy is looking for different work. We had a sister go home because she was sick. Sister Miles is sick. So, I asked for a blessing from Elder Jordan. He is one of the APs. He gave me a sweet blessing. It was much needed. I hope all is going well. I am praying all of you back home. I am praying for Cole’s family, for my daddy, for sweet new baby Jane and for new mama Sadee and new daddy Taylor.

T - We woke up exercised and went to district council. My dear sweet companion sister Miles is sicky. All the days this week were slightly the same. She went to sleep after district meeting and I spent the day studied and cleaned and baked and studied some more.

W - We had president interviews. My goal is to use the scriptures in everything possible. President is the best. He gave me scriptures for Cole - Alma 40:11-12. It was so good and I felt so at peace. We talked about my dad’s work and the stress of the expense of being out here. I was kind of feeling bad about that. He was like - ok I got you sister Dalley. He guided me to the scriptures which is always the best place to go. D&C 118:3 and to Matthew 19:29 he told me to I will be blessed through this hard time and to never forget how much God loves me. I love President Thomas, he is the best.

I have a good friend, Julie, who says the scriptures always say “It came to pass,” they never say, “and it came to stay.”  Hard days, hard weeks and hard months always end. It was another day as a missionary so I was still happy.

We came home and sister Miles slept. The mission nurse checked in with her. We had a lesson planned for that day so we went on an exchange so we did not need to cancel. Sister Langton came with me to the lesson with Tiffany and Tiffany ended up bringing her sister. We met with them and talked about the importance of the Book of Mormon. We read over the introduction with them and committed them to read it. It was really cool because her sister actually started reading it while we were still talking. While she read she was saying things like “Oh my goodness, this has the same purpose of the Bible” and “Oh, my goodness it helps us come close to Jesus Christ.”  We actually picked her up as a person we are teaching. It was such a blessing.

Th - Sister Miles was still sick so we stayed inside all day. After a long day we went dinner with the Sweetwoods and then to the church for sports night with the ward and other missionaries.  I played sports but she sat, which was so sad.
F - We went to the doctor’s office in the morning and then went to the church to weekly plan. The elders gave me a succulent plant and I kept it with me the rest of the day. It is my new pet plant. We went back home and I cleaned the whole apartment again while Sister Miles slept. So, she doesn’t sleep during the night so her body is shutting down on her. She only gets 2 to 4 hours of sleep each night. She walks across the room and gets winded. She has heart palpitations and gets super exhausted and then lays down but cannot sleep. We went to urgent care at 9 pm. It was in La Jolla which was out of our mission which was weird because it was so late. We were there forever and got home around 1 am. Pray for Sister Miles.

S - We woke up and then went to do service and then came home and got ready and went to Lunch at Brennan’s. He made waffles, breakfast for lunch. Yumy! Sister Miles was tired again so we came home.

Su - We went to church, I love church! After church, we went by some people with interest. We stopped by a girl, Taylor. Now she and her friend are now people being taught.

This week was awesome, we picked up three new people being taught. I hate being inside. But, we have been working hard for a long time and I have been in this area for a long time. We weren’t able to go out much but when we did go out we got blessed. It has been a hard week but a good week. Heavenly Father has blessed us. We are currently teaching five people which is so great.

It is awesome. I love contacting and talking to random people.I am so in love with being a missionary. I absolutely love sitting down with someone and sharing this gospel and hearing what they are feeling and listening to what they believe and seeing their testimonies grow and strengthen and see them come closer to Jesus Christ. I am loving the opportunity to see past the initial first contact. I love It is the best.

I am so happy out here. I absolutely love being out here. I also hope you know how hard it is. I am living in paradise but it is not paradise all the time.

I love all of you so so much! I love the support I get from home. Thank you for all you do for me. Love baby Jane for me. I am loving her from here but squeeze her extra tight for me. Today is going to be fun, we are going to teach a lesson.

I hope you have an amazing week.
Love you love you, bye.
Sister Dalley

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