Sunday, July 29, 2018

Teaching and Serving in Carlsbad

Hello Humans of the world (or those who actually read this),

M- Pday - Sister Miles and I were in charge of our activity so we played minute to win it games at the church - one where we wore these lovely shower caps, so great, I loved it!

Transfers are on the 31st we find out whether we are staying or leaving on the 28th. We had lunch with some of the sisters that will be headed home.

T - District council - we learned how to teach lesson 5. We picked up our new MSF cards and I had to fill out an accident report YAY! I was backing out of the garage and have to make a really sharp turn and turned a little too sharp. I scratched the mission vehicle. Only me, lets be real, so that was fun … We had a lesson with Tiffany. She had a bunch of questions. She took her Book of Mormon to her baptist church and defended the mormons to her baptist preacher. The preacher tried to tell her things we believe and she corrected him.

W - We were able to serve Shannon who had an accident that hurt her back. We cleaned her house and her fridge and did months worth of laundry. It was so fun to help her. She has two kids and she sees her life as a miracle because she used to live in her car. She testifies she sees God in every part of her life.

This was my momma’s birthday, Happy Birthday! I love you so much. I got all the pictures of you going to Silver Lake. That looks like a blast! That is such a “you” thing to want to do. I hope someone spoiled you because you deserve it.

Th - I studied the hymn How Great Thou Art. Every single part makes me so happy. This is such a “me” hymn. I go throughout the day and I am just like “ah look at the stars, God is amazing” or “look at the ocean, God loves us.” When it talks about wandering through forests and trees and looking down from mountains it is so powerful. God and Jesus Christ loves us so much!
One of our members was hit by a car so we went to visit her and gave her a  succulent. It made her so happy. She is the sweetest. Truly it is a miracle she does not have anything broken just some bumps and bruises and a concussion. The driver hit her in a crosswalk while texting. It is a miracle she is not more hurt.

We had another lesson with Tiffany and talked to her about the priesthood and the power and the authority to baptize. She took it really well. She loved the thought of it. She sees it as a gift from god. We invited her to receive a blessing so she will be having a blessing on Tuesday. She says she has been happier since the elders stopped her. She said she promised God she would read a chapter from the Book of Mormon and a chapter from the Bible every day. She says she wrote a prayer of gratitude in her journal and can feel her faith growing. We love her. She is doing so good.

F - We met with Jasmine who is one of our less active members. She had a social conversion instead of a spiritual conversion so we are trying to help her through that. We helped Shannon again with her shopping and held her bearded dragon.

S - We went on base for the Mom’s food drive. It was awesome. It was so cool to help people and put things in their basket. We went and did more service by helping someone move. It was super fun! Always fun!

We went to work. We stopped by different people with interest homes. Nobody answered. Then we went to the pioneer day picnic and I made little centerpieces with sunflowers. It was a calming destressor. We got to take them home so I put them in our window.

S- Church - church is always awesome! We had dinner with one of our members, Anaid, and she brought her boyfriend. She led the conversation and discussion of the questions he had and what she wanted us to teach him. He took a  copy of the Book of Mormon and hopefully will continue to meet with the Elders.

Thank you all for your prayers for Sister Miles. It means a lot when we hear you have been praying and fasting for her. She is doing much better.

That is our week. We had a fantastic week. I hope you all had a fantastic week. I am so in love with life!

You guys are just the best. Thank you for everything you do for me and everything you do for sister Miles. The gospel is joy!
Love you love you,


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