Tuesday, August 14, 2018

God is Real

Hello Family,
I am coming at you live from Temecula California. I am so happy up here. It is crazy hot but is crazy fun.
For P-day after we got our laundry and everything else done we went bowling as a district. I creamed everyone in the first round but in the second I got beat bad. We played games at the church for the rest of the day and went to dinner as a district. It was a party. We went to work going by PIs and meeting members.
T - We went to district council. I love district council. We focused on the difference between salvation and exaltation and why temples and family history are so important. This part was recently added into Preach My Gospel and that is new into the plan of salvation lesson. We went to have our studies and practice a song. Guess who is singing at zone conference again? Yep, me, we are singing Joseph Smith’s first prayer to Israel Israel God is Calling. We then went to work. Always working hard. Always having fun. I love being a missionary. Biking is awesome, I am getting toned again.

W - I studied the hymn Come ye Thankful People. It led me to a couple of scriptures. It led me to D&C 86:5 and it says,
5 Behold, verily I say unto you, the angels are crying unto the Lord day and night, who are ready and waiting to be sent forth to reap down the fields;

It reminded me of us, the missionaries. We pray a lot, we cry unto the Lord day and night and we are ready. We are going forth and reaping down the fields. It just made me happy. Angels .. I love it. We stand ready to to be sent forth.

Then we went to service at a food pantry thing. It kind of reminded me of Five 12, the set up was similar, but these bags were families. We had buckets of food and put them into a crate and then bagged them. We practiced our song. Sister Baker picked us up and took us to Olive Garden and Dough Creamery, she is our favorite. We then went to work. I love working, it makes me so happy.

Th - We went to service again at the same place except this time we were doing government commodities. There was a lot of food so there were a lot of us working. It was super fun.

After service we did studies and got ready and then we rode to Vida’s house where we had our lesson and the spirit was so strong. Vida has been taught one lesson before. Her husband is a less active member. He is super supportive of her going to church and taking the lessons. Last week she went to church. She has MS so she is in a wheelchair a lot or has a hard time walking. She is amazing, she is elect! I have said that before for other people but they were nothing like Vida. WE had our plan of salvation lesson with Vida. The spirit was so strong. She knows the church is true and she loves the plan of happiness. We asked her to be baptized and she said ‘Yes’ so she is on date for September 1st. When we asked her to be baptized she said, “Well that is the whole point of us meeting, right?” We are so excited for her. Please pray for her, she is amazing.

F- We had two lessons cancel on us but we still went to work and had fun. My good news that I found out is Tiffany, from my last area is aiming to be baptized August 24th! I am so happy! I am so happy for her, I love Tiffany so much! I will actually get to go back for her baptism. Woot, woot!

S - We starting out with studies and exercising as usual and then we went to work.
We went to a new member lesson with Alejandra. She is kind of struggling because her dad fed her some anti. She is so sweet so pray for her. We are trying to get her progressing and to get her patriarchal blessing and go to the temple. Sister Baker, a member came to help teach the lesson and the spirit was so strong.
We then went to a lesson with a recent convert that just moved into our ward. She is married and has six kids, the oldest is 21 and her youngest is 4. She and her 14 and 10 year olds were baptized. The rest didn’t. We will be working her for her new member lessons. We will be working with her husband and hopefully help him to get into the same covenant path because this is a gospel of families. It was awesome!

S - I love Sundays! They are so awesome. We went to ward council. I talked about Peter and the Savior when Peter feared because of the storm and the Savior immediately stretched out
We had a great sacrament meeting. Vida was there again. She actively participated in class and in relief society. I love it!

We rode to the Rebars house and had an awesome conversation about joy and hope with them over dinner.
While we were biking there a man rolled down his window and yelled “God isn’t real.” It made me so sad for him. I made me wonder “what happened in your life that led you to hate on God?” Not just to the extent of ruining his own faith or relationship with God but so much that he thinks it is ok to try diminish others’ faith. So much that he would yell at two sisters who are doing their best to share joy, light, peace, love and truth. We talked about the type of people who God expects us to be.

It made us sad for that man. He thinks he won but no he is wrong. He thinks he is so cool doing that to us and then fleeing the scene. I wanted to talk to him. I wanted to tell him what I know and love. I hope someone finds him someday.

Mom, Dad, Kiddos and whoever else reads this. I testify God lives. He loves us. He provides his way home. I know that. It is something I hold so dear to my heart. I walk outside and know he is there. I see the amazing creations he has given us, I see the amazing bodies he has created for us, everything testifies of God. He is so real and he loves us and it is amazing!  

I want you to know how much I truly love standing for Christ. I truly love being a representative of him. I truly love the opportunity I have to share his love and his joy and his peace. I just love it! I love working and being a missionary. I love being out here in California, in Temecula, even though it is hot and the hills are killing my legs. I love it! I can’t imagine being anywhere else or doing anything different. I thank you all for everything you do for me and being with me while I do this. I rely on the strength of you praying for me back home. I thank you so much for those prayers because I truly feel them every day.  I love you all so much! I hope you have a fantastic week. God is real and God loves you.
In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen
Love you, love you, bye
Sister Dalley


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