Monday, January 28, 2019

Crashes and Transfers!

Hi Family, Sister Dalley here. I am so happy to be talking to you! To let you all know about life in Temec”Utah” the promised land.
Mon, Jan 7 - Pday Laundry, shopping, emailing and sports. We went out to work with some less actives and got a lot done.

Tues, Jan 8 - We had district council and talked about the talk “Catch the Wave”. Elder Gibson our district talked about getting people on the trend of the gospel and be just as excited to share it as we were about fidget spinners our senior year. We took dying pics of our zone leader Elder Stark because he is going home.

We went to one of our members house, Sister Young, she is the secretary of the Relief Society. We sat down with her and went over the list she wrote up for us two transfers ago of people she wanted us to go by and try. She added some names to our list and told her how we were doing with those she sent us to see. We love sacred finding time.

Wed, Jan 9 - We had exercise time and then we had food pantry. I love the people at food pantry, they are my favorite. Then we went to Vida’s house because we were supposed to have a  lesson with her. Then we went and worked - contacting and knocking. Many know members but are not interested in learning more. We have amazing conversations here and there and are planting seeds.

We had a revelations study with Guy. We always have interesting conversations with him. Then we went to YM and YW and then came home and did our new testament study and Come Follow Me.

Thurs, Jan 10 - We went to commodities. There is a member Amy who is just so sweet so she gave me circus animal cookies because she heard I like them and a travel journal. She is so sweet, it was such a sweet little gift. She gave me a  big hug and told me I had brightened her day.

Friday, Jan 11 - We went to Kate Johnson’s house and took her to ice cream for her birthday. I love Kate.
She wants to go on a mission and has a lot of questions.
We introduced Vida to Come Follow Me, the curriculum, the book and all that will be happening at church. She really liked it. We talked a lot about faith especially with the lesson for this week. It was super good. It put a little fire behind her. She committed to studying everday so we will see how that goes. We are excited for her.

Sat, Jan 12 - We had transfer calls. I am leaving Temecula but am not going very far, just up the road to Murrieta. The sister I am going to be with is Sister Briggs. Her companion went home for medical reasons. She has been with the STLs Sister Bradford and Sister Lee. Right after we heard about transfer calls I went on an exchange in this new area.
I was introduced as her new companion to the ward and the Bishop and a bunch of people in my new area. We had dinner with all my future missionary friends and future zone leaders. On my exchange, we saw snow. People roll out this nice fabric on their lawn that they try and make look like snow.
Sister Briggs is from Minnesota so definitely knows snow and has that cute accent.
We had a super good day and saw some miracles. There are always miracles on exchanges. We exchanged back and had a district study. We studied Come Follow Me because we are each other’s family. I am super sad there is going to be change. But I love new and I love meeting people.
Sun, Jan 13 - We had church and goodbyes to everybody.

We had just finished the sacrament and the speaker started talking. I looked around seeing if there was anyone new there or anyone I did not recognize. I started crying because I will miss my family. I am grateful I got to serve here and work with these members and their amazing desires.
I am so grateful I got to teach Bryant and Vida and their desires. I will miss them.
I have been in this ward for six months now so there is a time for change, new, learning and expanding. I am excited to go and serve in murrieta. I am excited to learn from Sister Briggs and to learn from her and grow some more.

After church we had our ward council. They asked me to give the thought or basically to share my testimony. I read them the hymn The Lord is My Light. It is an amazing example of how I feel about the Lord and who He is to me. Go read it, it is bomb.

We went to Alejandra and said goodbye to her.
We were riding from Alejandra’s to a lesson with Alyssa. We were going down this little running and biking path. It is a bridge that goes over a river bank. There was mud on the path at a corner. I did not see it until I was on it and had a crash. I got a little banged up. My knees and hand are a bit scratched up. I feel like I got hit by a car because my ribs and neck and head got hit. Sister Walter’s had a little first aid kit so I patched myself up.
Then we went to Alyssa’s. She had a lot of the same questions her mom did especially about temples. The church just released a video about temples so we shared that with her. We also chatted about our afterlife.

Then we went to the Mays. She has a less active son Taylor. We talked about peace with him and his girlfriend who is not a member and had a lot of questions.

That is my week. I have a lot to do to get ready for transfers.
Love you, love you, bye.

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