Tuesday, January 30, 2018

First Week Fun!

The MTC has been great. Holy Cow it has been about a week. It has been long and hard but very very new, exciting and fun and crazy and I am just so happy to be here. We watched a video where the guy said the MTC is like drinking out of a fire hydrant where you get a little bit of water but mostly it just hurts your face.  We all related to that. It just moves so fast paced. Within the first ten/twenty minutes after we got here we were in class. We pushed right into it. It was great because we didn’t have a lot of time to sit and think that we just left our families. So it was awesome.
My district is awesome. I have the best district ever. I could not be more grateful for them. I love my district so much. The biggest struggle is to not call anybody by what they call slang, it is only Elders and Sisters or Missionaries. We do a squat when we mess up so we are getting fit while we learn how to talk.

Holy Cow, I have been learning so much and so much to tell you. Right off the bat we got to learn to work and converse with investigators.  It is really cool.
Our favorite thing that all missionaries get to experience that we didn’t know about at home is every new missionary has an orangish reddish dot, we call dork dots, on our name tags which basically signals to everyone else in the MTC that we have no clue what we are doing. Everyone walks by and says “Welcome to the MTC!” We were very welcomed. You don’t need to worry about that.

We do a lot of role playing. Today we met with our TRC investigators. We don’t know if they are Mormon or not but they act like the are nto members. They are really cool but they are hard. I know we are here to learn how to teach the gospel but it was a little intimidating teaching the gospel to them.

I did get sick. I am not a real fan of the food here. I did not take into account that I should probably eat protein and iron. So one day I felt sick and like I was going to pass out all day. I was super proud and did not want to ask for help but I must have looked terrible because one of the Elders asked me if I needed a blessing. I said, “ya, I actually do.” It was really cool to receive a blessing from all the Elders.

My favorite part of the MTC is how much we learn. It is so crazy cool that everybody is here for the same reason. We are all here to serve and to share our testimonies about our Heavenly Father. It is so wonderful because we are all going through this crazy new interesting experience all together but we all know why we are here. Everyone is super nice and happy and excited to be here. It is just inspiring how many cool people are here that just absolutely love the gospel and everyone around them. They are just so happy.

Weird change, I am used to mom being Sister Dalley but I am learning to appreciate my name now. I love you all and will talk to you next week.
See ya, love ya, Bye!

A little more from Sister Dalley:

Dear Mom, 
I am loving the fact that I now have the chance to talk to you! I get to finally tell you how happy I am here! My goodness:) It is a new experience to be sure but it's amazing:)) Here we learn 24/7 hha which is crazy and I'm itching to be outside and not sitting in a chair or in a classroom but I know that my time here will benifit me and I definitly need it:))

I think the hardest things for me here are going to bed on time (I'm always in bed on time but I lay there and can't fall asleep for the longest time... oops! curse the fact that im a night owl and loved coming home late... sorry mom), always sitting down (so every chance I'm up ... I dance around or try and make up for all the time sitting... lol), and being constantly with a companion:) Oh how I love my companion hha but I end up just walking away and then realize, "oh shoot! wheres my friend?!"  I do really well at waking up on time:) but I'm really bad at doing everything I need to before I leave:) I'll get it:)) I will keep trying:)

My nickname is the disney princess :))) or klutz because I can trip on flat surfaces... I have tripped up the stairs... and down the stairs... but I have not fallen yet! so that I am proud of!:)) 

I saw Brody which was so fun! I've seen Jaida almost everyday:) I see so many people here that I graduated with. I swear it's like a mini lone peak!  I love it:)

Thank you for the letters:) My district is amazed by the amount I get and how much love you send:)
Love you tons and tons:) but sorry... I dont miss you too much;):) 
❤Sister Dalley

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