Saturday, February 10, 2018

MTC Week 2

Has it been a week already?! hha Things here are flying by  but they also feel like they have been inching along! I have no idea how that’s possible... hha but it is:)) I love it here and love everyone I meet:))

I leave to the airport at 9:50 am on the 13th and my flight takes off at 3:))

I get the saying "oh my goodness Sister Dalley you are so loved:) so thank you for loving me and sending me lots of dear elders and packages:)) Speaking of which:) thank you for the cute valentine February goodie bags:) All the sisters loved them:)!  I tried blowing up the balloon and it ended up popping in my face:) it made for a funny laugh though!

So my week was filled with classes and workshops and TRC's (which is where we teach someone and we don’t know them:). It’s a really cool learning experience:))

They don’t have soccer here for exercise which is a bumma hha but I have grown to like volleyball:)). It is so much fun:)) I have also been able to see Sage and Kenna and Brody and Missy and Adam and Rachel so basically it’s just a mini lone peak here:)) which is so fun:)).

Sooo ... a funny ... one of my sisters in my district wanted to go to counseling so I went with her:). I was in there waiting for her and then they were like “Sister Dalley it’s your turn.” I was like “what ?” So I go into this room and it’s the whole deal like a big comfy chair and tissues and the whole shazam. I sit down and she is just talking to me lol and she says, “Wait, so why do you need counseling?” I say, “Umm I didn’t think i did hha.” It was so funny because she was super confused. We laughed.

My amazing STLs are leaving us... makes me sad:((
Holy cow this is hard:) but hey it wouldn’t be called missionary WORK if it wasn’t hard:). I love it:)! I love it so much and I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else:)

My favorite things I have learned about being a missionary are iit use to feel like a job being a missionary, but now it’s my joy:)) and nothing is a burden when you love people:):) I also love something that someone said :)) They said that we are called to a people not a place:) I love this because even though I am so happy I will be going to California, I will be there for the people, not to say that I went on a mission somewhere cool, it’s to say I went on a mission and I served the people:)

I have drawn a lot of strength from Alma chapter 26 this week:) because this week has been a hard one:) I’m still happy and still seeing blessings and love in my life:) I especially verses 3, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 16, 27, 30, 36, and 37.  I love this:) it is a comfort to me as a new missionary:)! As I walk in unfamiliar places, he is aware of me. As I struggle and have my own afflictions, I can have God with me helping me, comforting me. I am so happy here:))

Yes we go to the temple:)) I forgot to tell you that I saw Eliza Terry last week when we went to the temple:)) such a tender blessing:)

Well I loves you:))
Love you tons! Think of you lots! Pray for you always!
Love Sister Josie Dalley

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