Monday, February 12, 2018

See ya later MTC - It's been Good!


So first things first:)
I will be calling tomorrow from the airport:) I should be calling between 12 and 2 sometime:)) So if you are getting a call in between that time from a random number... it's probably me:))

So, my week:))
Tuesday after I emailed: we got to go to the temple! I love the joy the peace and the love that I feel there! I am sad I wont be able to go as much now that im going to the field:( but, I will try and remember the feeling that it brings being in the house of the Lord:). We have been having fun as well as learning:). We ended up making MTC crib videos where we all showed the "viewers" around the residence room.

Thank you for teaching me how to sew! I already have sewed buttons on suit coats for the Elders and fixed up some things for me and the Sisters! It came in handy so thank you! 

We also have a starfish named Jeffery "living" in our trash can filled with water:)). He actually is just one of those growing things that you leave in the water and it expands but we love him anyway and we read him scriptures and give him the discussions:)). Gotta love Jeffery:)).

Wednesday: All the new missionaries got here this day! It was so fun to see friends! I saw Eliza Terry, Chad Davies, Nickmo, Hubert Kim, and Emma Austin:)) So so much fun!

Elder Nickmo and Elder Hubert Kim are actually in my zone so I see them a lot and I love it!

TRC's are hard but I love them:)). We have so many cool experiences and we end up loving the people that we just met:)). I love feeling God's love for everyone:)).

Thursday: Actually, I have an embarrassing story... yaaa... so it was early in the morning and we were going to go get breakfast and I saw Elder Nick Mortenson across the courtyard and ended up yelling NICKMO! Needless to say that is probably not something to yell in the MTC... oops... we had a laugh about it though! The rest of the day was dumb... I ended up throwing up... and so because of that I was required to go to the sick room and to stay there all day. They drew blood and did some tests just to make sure I was okay hha:) but it was loserly:(. I did not like staying in all day. I'm good now and not a sicky:).

Elder Hill and Elder Johnson ended up giving me a priesthood blessing:) which helped me feel much better.

Friday: I had to go for a check up in the doc office:( blah and then he made me go and get meds from the BYU health clinic so I got to leave MTC campus which was so weird! We kept joking about feeling the sin and the worldliness ... it was funny:) The rest of the day was just filled with classes and service:).

Saturday: we had chair races where we raced around our room on our wheeled chairs! That was so fun! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE PACKAGES! My district loved them and all say that you are amazing humans:))! Thank you thank you:) and the people who hardly get anything loved them :)). It made me happy:)! Thank you tons!

Sunday: Me and sister green taught Relief society:)). We taught about the great apostasy and the restoration:)). We had a departing devotional and then church movie night:)). Woot woot:))!

I am so happy here:)!
I love you lots and lots:)) 
Missing you ... send pics! I love seeing them!
 Sister Josie Dalley❤

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