Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Ocean Air

Hello, it is me Sister Dalley. I am here safe and sound in California!! Holy Cow!

Monday was a goodbye dinner with our district and the Elders gave everyone blessings and we had a mini testimony meeting.

Tuesday was filled with packing and really tearful goodbyes. Then we had to say goodbye to the MTC.  We got on a bus that took us to the frontrunner. We rode the train with all our luggage and then we rode the shuttle to the airport. It was crazy, there were a lot of us - like 50 missionaries and we all had all these bags. We got off the shuttle and went to the airport and I got to talk to my family. So, that was fun. I loved talking to all of you it was super fun. It was super weird because it felt like I haven’t been gone that long but at the same time I feel like I have been a missionary forever.

Then I got to fly! I got to fly and I love it! I don’t know why I haven't done that before. There was this sister who I hadn’t met before who was sitting next to and so I said, “OK am kind of scared, I have never flown before.” She was like, “Oh, I will help you through it.”  It was the best thing ever! I absolutely loved it and it was amazing!

Once we got to the airport I got to meet our mission president, President Thomas and his wife Sister Thomas. We walked out of the airport and I was hit with this warm fresh air that smelled like the sea and it was amazing and I was like “Oh Ya! oh ya, I am all about this.”

We went to the mission home and did paper work and then I got to meet my companion, Sister Henry who is awesome. She is amazing and I absolutely love her.

I am in the Carlsbad YSA ward which means we cover the entire stake in Carlsbad. Wednesday morning when we woke up we went on a run and came up over a hill and there was the beautiful ocean. I just like freaked out because I love the ocean. I was so happy. We run to the ocean most days.

My days generally are filled with studying and training and contacting that I call stalking. We just go up to any random person on the street and talk about religion and the Book of Mormon. Just doing missionary work. Also, because we are a new technology mission, we do area book where we sit and put all the people into the system. We do that a lot.

Thursday we went to a training meeting where Sister Henry learned how to train me and I learned how to be trained. We set goals and my goal was to be more bold. I struggle a little because I think “why would do that? it is so weird.” Then I am like “why wouldn’t I do it? they are my brothers and sisters why wouldn’t I want them to have what I have.” Then we did more contacting. Lots and lots of it.

On Friday during personal study and I was reading my father’s blessing that Daddy gave me right before I went into the MTC. I had just talked to Sister Henry about being more bold and  confident. Then I read the blessing where Dad said “Be bold, speak up. Just because you are new and a junior companion doesn’t mean you should wait. Say what the spirit asks you to say.” I found that as a little miracle / tender mercy and know the priesthood is real. Heavenly Father knows me and is aware of me. It is crazy how much we do in a day.

For dinner we went and had a mini picnic for dinner. We went to a park and I asked Sister Henry if we could swing on the swings. She laughed at me but I guess I am a little kid at heart. We did more contacting because we don’t have any investigators. We went to clean the church. I usually clean the church in sweats and a t-shirt but we got to clean it in dresses.

Then Saturday! We were looking forward to Saturday all week. After studies and planning we got to go to a special meeting and got to hear Brother Davis, Elder Whiting and Elder Clayton of the seventy, and Elder Uchtdorf! We all got to shake his hand and he looked at me and said, “Thank you for your service, precious sister.” I have pages and pages of notes I wrote. It was awesome. He told us a lot about Chapter 3 The Gospel of Jesus Christ. He encouraged us to have its content in our minds and heart. It is what we take to the investigators so we have to live it. When he was walking away he was waving and then did this hang loose sign. We all laughed. He really is an apostle, called of God and a special witness of Jesus Christ.

Sunday, we went to ward council and even though I did not know about anyone they were discussing it helped me get to know our ward a little. Church was fun, kind of strange because everyone is my age. After church we had a linger longer where we frosted cookies. It was fun. Then we went contacting again. Yea!

Something Sister Henry and I do everywhere we go is look for miracles. So, we basically get out of the car and say, “ok where is the miracle here?” We basically say, “We trust you and we know you want your work to go forth.” It is awesome because when we look for miracles - we see them, our eyes are open to them.

Today we got up super early and went on a zone hike up a volcano. Then we are going shopping and doing emails.

Say Hi to everyone for me and send my love.
See ya!

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