Friday, October 5, 2018

Another Great Week in Paradise

Hello Friends and Family,
It is another great day in Paradise!
Monday - Sept 25th was my eight month mark. What? I cannot believe it has been eight months. Crazy! Pday was such fun. We went to a sisters breakfast so I got to see my baby Sister Miles. We got to talk and eat and catch up.
Then we went to the church to play ping pong and volleyball. The Murrietta zone was also there because their building was being used. It was really fun, hanging with the friends, I love it. Afterward we went to the ward FHE night - hot dogs in the park - but it was actually not hot dogs and was not in the park but at Sister Baker’s house. It was western themed and was super cute.

Tuesday - we went to President interviews. K - can I tell you how much I love President Thomas. He is truly called of god. He is personally invested in each of us. He just radiates happiness and joy and love. He is an amazing man. He asked me my goals, which are to ask for more referrals and to continue living worthy of and for the people we teach. He asked about how home was. I was crying and beaming how Heavenly Father answered my prayers and gave more than I asked for.  We were both just crying. I am grateful for such an inspired mission president.

We met with Vida and sister Barnson. We taught her the commandments, or half the commandments because sister Barnson is a talker. Vida gave us permission to teach her son Bryant. Their baptism date is the 27th. We then went to work and knocked on doors and all that goodness.

Wednesday - we went to service at the food pantry which is always fun. I love the food pantry and doing service there. The Barnson’s took us to lunch and we met Sister Baker there and we had our ward correlation meeting there. It was super good and we got a lot done. Brother bought me a phone case because mine broke. Super kind and generous people.

We went to the park to paint with Alejandra. We talked about her temple experience and we painted. It creates a stress free environment for her. She is an artist  is better at asking questions and talking about her concerns while we paint. It is something she loves so we are just taking interest in her too. She is so great! I love her. She always has a million questions. We found out her concerns and addressed them.

We then rode to the Draeger’s home for dinner. They are so kind and generous. They are a super cute family, we absolutely love them. We went home so sister Stoddard could pack and go on exchanges. She went to murrieta with a car and sister Bradford came here to be on a bike with me. We sat by each other on the plane to California when we left the MTC 8 months ago. This si us making awkward hand signs. It is supposed to be an 8 for 8 months.

Thursday - We got up and went on a walk around the duck pond. So pretty. We had tons of fun and did tons of work and talked to tons of people. We stopped by an assisted living center to visit Sister Brown, one of our members who is bedridden because she broke her leg. We just talked and talked and she shared scriptures with us and shared her testimony with us it was beautiful and she cried a couple of times and it was just all around awesome. It felt weird to be in an assisted living center in a dress and not in scrubs. We just sat and listened and loved her. She is amazing.

We then did even more work. We headed to dinner and decided to take a little back trail that is beautiful and peaceful. We passed by a bridge and saw a guy sitting under the bridge on his skateboard, he looked about 17 and he was crying. We saw him and turned around and went back and talked to him for a minute. We found out his name is Ezekiel. We offered him help but he declined so I gave him a happi pin and a pass along card with Jesus on it and our number. We told him that God is aware of Him and is listening and that Jesus Christ knows exactly how he is feeling. By the end of us telling him that he was no longer crying. He thanked us. I don’t know what's going on in his life. I don’t know where he is now or what he is doing. But please pray for Ezekiel and people like him. It made us sad but also warmed our hearts that we could be there for him, even though he did not accept the gospel we were there for him.

Saturday - First I want to say congrats to Meagan Cottle, wait not Cottle anymore. I have your beautiful wedding invitation on my shelf. You look so happy and beautiful. I am super excited for you. I want to see pictures. Love you Meg!

WE headed to the stake zone breakfast put on by the stake presidency. It was super num they made us homemade cinnamon rolls and fruit and it was super good. The zone leaders and the Stake President gave us a talk. We went to Julie and Austin’s house and we chatted a bit. She wants us to help with her daughters wedding. We told them about general conference and they were so excited about it and asked us a million questions about it. It was super good. I was teaching them and explaining the symbolism of baptism by immersion. We were feeling the spirit and he lesson was going good until I said, “Baptism is symbolic of dying, you put away the old person.” Austin looked at his grandma and burst out laughing and so did she and so did we.
We are planning on putting them on date next week.

We had a late dinner with Guy and his Catholic parents. They took us to an italian restaurant, everything they brought out was huge and we were stuffed but they still took us back to their house for cherry pie and icecream. We were so weighed down going home.

Fast Sunday was super great and I got to teach gospel principles. We went to dinner at the Johnson’s house. He is the old bishop and his wife is the volleyball coach at chaparral high school. The girls are all drop dead gorgeous and vb stars. We love the Johnson’s.

So that was my week. I love you all so much.
Love you  love you bye,
Sister Dalley

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