Wednesday, October 17, 2018

General Conference!

Hello Everyone! How goes it? First off I would like to say happy October!

Mon (Oct1)
Pday shopping and laundry and emailing and volleyball. Afterward we went with Sister Baker to a lesson with Herb but he called us and said he had been drinking and canceled.

We woke up and went on a run. We got ready and went to district council. It was super good, I loved it. We learned about planning. It is hard to put down a number because each of those numbers is a person.
We then went to work - knocked doors, talked to people and shared the light! We ate dinner with the Christensen family who has five kids under the age of 10 which is abnormal out here but I felt right at home because that is basically how my family was. There was a little 3 year old girl there who kept falling over and hitting her head. She did it three or four times in  the hour we were there and I could relate on a personal level. The other little girl gave us drawings of her hand - I just love kids, I love em! So sweet.

We also went to an apartment complex and I decided to go up a sidewalk ramp on my bike because I thought it went all the way through. But nope, my enemy, stairs were there. Luckily I saw the stairs and I stopped and decided to walk my bike down, good, but I decide to still straddle the bike as I walked down the stairs, bad. It started out good but then the bike started bouncing, ouch, and then it started going faster without me, ouch, so the remainder of the stairs I fell down on my bike, ouch! In the end the bike and I fell over. I was scraped up and bumped and bruised but I am ok. I have a gnarly bruise on the back of my leg but I am OK. The work must go on. A funny sister Dalley moments that happen quite a bit but you know I am still alive.

We went to the food pantry which is always a good time. One of the sweet special needs girls that works there all the time came up to us and gave us best friend girlfriend bracelets. Her name is Allison and I love her, she is so pure.
We just love those people and they are amazing.

Herb texted us and asked us to meet. We went to the park and waited and he never showed. We went to work again and knocked on doors. I love it, I just love it, it is so great! Yes!

A fantastic day! Blessings and miracles. Happily we had a lesson with Herb. He has been kind of flaky. He texted us and asked us to meet. We laid it down that we did not have time to show up to teach him and him not be there. We taught him the gospel of Jesus Christ. The spirit was so strong. We invited him to be baptized and he said “yes, when can I?” He is on date to be baptized November 3rd. Pray for Herb. We still have a few things we need to teach him and a few things he needs to get over, obviously but we are excited for him.
We then went to Julie’s house. She has heart failure and has a rough time even standing up so we talked  to her while we cleaned her house. My Ema always says it is more fun to clean someone else’s house. It is so true. We got to answer a lot of her questions. It was super good.

We tracted and talked to a bunch of inactives. I love how the lord uses us.

We went to a lesson with Vida. We taught her the other half of the commandments. It went super well. She really wants to be part of this. We taught her tithing and she gets it, we taught her fasting and she says it makes sense to her. It is really cool! I love it. After her lesson we helped her clean up her backyard. More work!

Oh my goodness. I have pages and pages of notes! Conference was so good! We had zone breakfast
and then went in and listened to conference. I loved it! I loved it! It was so good! Holy cow! I am so excited. I just loved everyone’s outlook.
Elder Brough - Rejoice
Our good friend Elder Bangerter, I loved his talk. A little background on his talk. He said he had a talk planned and submitted but because of an experience he had in the temple he changed his talk. The talk we heard was for you and for me. I loved how he talked about “getting it.”
Elder Rasband - Stand in Holy places, put fears aside to do the work, we must receive revelation
Elder Bednar - Joy and happiness does not come through a checklist it comes from applying it to our lives unified all in one
I was literally sitting there the whole conference going that was for me, that was for this person. Conference as a missionary is unreal. It was so great, I learned so much.
I saw Kurt and my favorite Sister Kimiko. I was so happy!
Elder Christofferson - center and focused in Christ
Elder Soares - our new friends in the gospel, it was perfect
Elder Gong - campfire of faith, I am a campfire person, I loved that so much, gospel blessings come when we love others with all our hearts and souls
Elder Uchtdorf - believe love do, it made my heart so happy, move forward and upward

Then the women’s session. I just cried. I could feel sooo much love.
We were sitting in the stake center and when President Nelson walked in on the screen we all stood up. I could feel peace and love and strength.

We had an ice cream social with the women of the stake. We got to meet a lot of people there. After we came home we played rock paper scissors finding. Whenever we were presented with an option of which way to go. I was right and Sister Stoddard was left. We were guided to a guy’s house. He talked about how he has been surrounded by members of the church for a long time. He is prepared and elect. We had to give him away to the elders but blessings. The Lord is in everything, even a game of rock paper scissors.

Conference was amazing!
President Ballard - I loved his talk, it made me cry and cry, I loved how he wrote it before his wife passed away. I thought about Cole. I wrote trials and sorrows open us up to receive revelation.
Sister Cordon - being a shepherd and doing what Jesus Christ would do if he were here, find them on their covenant path and walk with them, no one should walk alone
Elder Holland’s talk - I cried the whole way through it, it made my heart so happy, anger can be more destructive than the wound that caused it, contention is not of Christ but love and forgiveness is, we need to be a peacemaker and care for each other
Elder Bowen - the book of Mormon
Elder Anderson - none of the stripling warriors were killed but all were wounded, earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal
President Nelson - the correction of the name of  the church, not negotiable, I felt rebuked for the times have removed Jesus Christ’s name from his church, we are promised incomprehensible blessings, I am so excited for that

We ate lunch with the Spanish branch. I got to use more of my broken spanish. My 95 year old best friend was there and she tried again to set me up with her grandson. I love her!

The last session of conference.
President Eyring - what must I be doing to take upon me the name of Christ and how do I know when I am making progress
Elder Renlund - repentance and our choices decide who we will become
Elder Stevenson - I loved his talk about sheep, shepherds and the sheep dog, predators can find the sheep that stray from the flock but we must go find them first and bring them and celebrate, every soul is precious

I am very grateful for this conference. I am very grateful for our prophet. I loved it so much!
I am so blessed to be a missionary. I love you all so much! Have a fantastic week. You’re amazing. I am praying for all of  you.

Love you, love you, Bye!
Sister Dalley

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