Sunday, March 3, 2019


I am super excited to be talking with you. This week was different.

As far as calling home goes, I can only call family, any family. If you want to talk to me, send me an email with your number and a time I can call. Family only. I love you who are my friends but won’t be calling you.

It was fun calling my family. I definitely felt really weird. I can’t tell you it is my favorite thing but I definitely am excited to be more involved with my family and my family to be more involved with what I am doing here. Thank you for Valentine’s packages!

Sister Briggs was not feeling well this whole week so we didn’t get to do a lot of stuff.

Tuesday we knocked doors. I dragged Sister Briggs around. We went to a lesson with Ann. We were talking about family history and then read 2 Nephi 31 with her. She stopped us and said, “i don’t want to waste your time but I am not going to get baptized.”  So, we kind of dropped Ann. We are waiting until she is willing to learn and to sincerely ask Heavenly Father the question whether she should be baptized. She says she will get baptized if the spirit tells her to. She came to church on Sunday so that is good. That is ok because the field is white and we are ready to harvest. We will plant seeds whenever we can but we are here to harvest.

We went to mutual where we did our rap. The kids were so impressed, that thought we were cool.  I love getting in with the youth because we become their besties and they help us teach their friends at school. There were five inactive boys there and we sat by one on Sunday who asked us a lot  about our missions.

Wed, Feb 20 - At district council we discussed the different resources the church provides and how we can apply them to our missionary program and those we are teaching. We talked about Addiction Recovery, Self Reliance, Come Follow Me, Family History and others. I learned about the addiction recovery program. I watched all the videos and read the booklet. They are so amazing. We can use these resources to improve our lives. It does not have to be substance abuse or pornography but just anything I want to change like becoming more charitable. I have also been studying the christlike attributes side by side with this program.  Looking those with the question, “What lack I yet?”

It has been really humbling and  eye opening to see what I lack and identify the things I need to improve and get over to become what I need to become. We have all these resources. I am able to find so much truth by asking questions and using these resources to find the answers.
Thurs, Feb 21 - We went to the gardening place, Cultivating Inclusion, and spent time with some of the special needs kids. It is such a good experience. They are such lights. I love it.

Exactly one year ago on Feb 21 I was on exchanges with Sister Richie and we put someone she was teaching, Daria, on date. Later, I found out missionaries lost contact with Daria. I don’t know what happened but she did not get baptized. I got a message from Sister Langton that Daria was baptized. It was such a blessing to see this. It has been a long time for Daria. Even though we may not be the ones to see them baptized we are part of their story to help them come closer to Christ. It was a tender mercy for me because I was able to see the freedom and peace that comes with embracing this gospel eventually come into Daria’s life.
Feb 22  We had a trio day, Sister Breinholt came to be our companion. We went to food pantry and then went to Sister and Elder Sately’s home to make cookies for the less active people and part member families and people we are teaching. We made some really bomb cookies and passed them out, they were not the ‘exquisites’ we make at home, but close. I received a call from President that I will be training another missionary. I am super excited to have greenie fire and help her in any way I can. I know that we will be part of each other’s lives for a reason and I hope to help her become a great missionary.
On Saturday Feb 23 - We went to the church as a zone to find out our transfers. Sister Briggs is going to Escondido. I am staying here in Murrieta Oso Oro ward with my new greenie. A lot of change is happening but it is always fun. We visited a few families so Sister Briggs could say goodbye and then we went tracting.

Sun, Feb 24 - we taught little kids at church. They are so smart. I asked who knows what ‘meek’ means and a little guy raised his hand and answered ‘it means being teachable’ Impressive! They were all so willing to learn and so sweet with their little scriptures on their laps.

After church we went to work and it felt great to get out and work hard since Sister Briggs felt better. We went to dinner in a beautiful gated community with our stake president. He had his nephew and his nephew’s wife there, Kyle and Priscilla. At the end of dinner, President turned to Priscilla his nephew’s wife and said “We love you and because we love you, we want to introduce these sisters to you who we asked to introduce our religion to you. Are you willing to talk to these missionaries and learn what we believe?” She said “yes.”  We walked to the living room and gave her the first discussion. We asked her what she knew and how she felt about religion. She told us her story. She is spiritual and desires religion for her life and for her family. She said as she searched other religions and they made her feel guilty and condemned. As we taught her the gospel of Jesus Christ, she started crying. Then I started crying. I told her Joseph Smith’s account.

I felt the spirit once again testifying it is true. She was crying. I was crying. She said religion talks to her heart even though her brain doesn’t quite get it. We identified that feeling as the spirit. We introduced the Book of Mormon to her, gave her a copy and read her the promise in Moroni. We knelt down together and prayed. It was a really good experience.

President Whittier walked us to the car and said we were perfect for this. He saw something light up in Priscilla. We are going back to teach her again this week. That was a little miracle. I feel like we were able to find Priscilla because we were willing to drop Ann. It was hard to drop Ann because we want to be teaching someone but if they are not progressing we can’t just go and hang out. We were willing to act in faith and move on and now have a new person to teach.

I hope you have a fantastic week.
Love you love you, bye.
Sister Dalley

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