Monday, May 7, 2018

Church is for Everyone!

Hello Family and Friends!
What’s good?
Monday - We played volleyball for FHE which was a blast. Got some skills. We then went to try people. We tried to find someone who lives in a gated community so I low key broke in. I used a pen to get in. We walked in and I was like “Watch us get arrested while on a mission.” Didn’t think I would use those skills on a mission. We were able to find out the stuff we needed so it worked out.

Tuesday we got up and ran and saw dolphins at the ocean. We got ready and then went to district meeting after personal studies and practiced telling about the first vision in 4 and 10 minute lessons. The spirit was really strong, it is always super strong when you talk about the first vision. I love my district they are all amazing people and amazing friends. We did some training on Camp Pendleton. There were other churches there too. We all just want to help and serve people.

Some Elders that we ward share with in our area messaged the missionaries who have left from our area and asked them who their friends are and who might be interested in the gospel. So it works pretty well because other missionaries just get it and want their friends back home to receive the gospel too.

Wednesday, what? jazzy! That day was awesome. Let’s be honest,  even if it wasn’t, it would be awesome because I am a missionary, life is great! woot woot!

We went to MiraCosta to do our booth. We love doing the booth. There are so many people who are so open to talking about God and what we believe. We have 45 minute conversations talking about pride or grace or the atonement or polygamy or gays in the church. It is a very liberal campus and they are all very accepting of what we believe. I am excited to see where it will go in the future.

After MiraCosta, we went on base and tried a couple of people. There are so many rules about what we can do and what we can’t do while we are proselyting on base, so it is fun. While we were there we found out a couple of our members are engaged. We are super excited. We try to get people to come to YSA but we also try to get people to graduate from YSA, you know what I mean.

I am almost done with 12 weeks which is great! I finish officially on the 3rd. Transfers are on the 8th.

Thursday while on our run I saw a little fuzzy caterpillar. I tried to touch it but it reared up. How dare it be fuzzy and not let me touch it??? After studies we went out to work. We are really running the area book dry so we went out to find. We went to a seafood restaurant with some of our members for lunch, which was fun. Are you proud of me Jake? I ate fish!

Friday on our run we saw dolphins again or mermaids, take your pick. We either saw sea creatures or my kin. I studied Elder Holland’s talk Safety for the Soul. It is his testimony of the Book of Mormon and it is so powerful.

Congrats to Sadee for graduating from BYU! I am so excited for you!

That night there was a big bang and our entire apartment just shook. Someone upstairs from us in our apartment building came down and asked us if we felt it. He went out to check and came back to tell us that someone ran into our apartment building and there was a guy laying on the ground but there were people there taking care of it. He asked “Are you missionaries?” We answered yes and he said, “Oh well I sell drugs.” I guess we looked alarmed so he laughed and told us he was a pharmaceutical rep.

Saturday ... I liked that day, that day was fun! After our morning routine and personal studies we did service. We helped our ex-investigator Caroline’s sister move. They were impressed we were able to get so many people there to help and how fast and efficiently we worked.

Work is kind of slow right now. It is kind of hard to plan effective things to do but we are doing our best.

I love the life I live and I love this gospel. I love the people I get to rub shoulders with. I am so blessed. After church on Sunday we had a munch and mingle. We heard the bishop’s wife scream, “Eek, there is a lizard, Elder Jordan come and get it.” He was not having any of that and was like, “I hate rodents.” “It is not a rodent it is a reptile,” I answered as I went and picked him up and moved him outside where he would be safe. I don’t blame him for wanting to come to church, church is for everyone.

I hope you had a fantastic week. I heard about all the soccer games and our typical Dalley family running from game to game. I saw cute pictures of Hannah, my cousin Kate and my cousin Libby. I am so happy you all got to prom together. Sadee, you were such a cute little pregnant BYU graduate. Cade your campout looked awesome.

Have a great week. Love you bunches!

Sister Dalley

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