Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Transfers! Temecula!

Hello my family and friends! How is everyone doing? Email me and let me know.

This weem we got some bomb burritos. My mission out here besides inviting others to come to Christ is to find the best California burrito. Cessy’s is at the top but Alburritos comes second.
We went to lunch with our old bishop. We talked about missions and about his daughters. He has taught them but they are having a rough time believing and living the gospel.  We have a really good relationship with his daughters so he loves having us around.

My life as a missionary is the best. I hope you all know that. I feel like whenever I tell you about it it doesn’t sound as cool. We are working hard and  having fun. We are sharing the gospel, talking to people and having fun. We are happy. I feel so blessed to be part of this work. I feel so blessed to be a missionary. I feel so blessed to be a representative of Jesus Christ. I truly have strong feelings about certain things that have always been in my life. I have never appreciated more than when I share it with someone who has no idea. Sometimes nothing comes from it but it just builds up my testimony.

Even though numbers wise it doesn’t look like I am having too much success. I feel successful. I am truly starting to have intense feelings about it. I am happy crying happy tears. I love this gospel, it is the best. There is so much peace and love in it. I am giddy and overjoyed. God really does love us all.

We worked at the food pantry. It is so sad it is Sister Portez last time. Sister Portez is finishing her mission. She is flying back to the Philippines. I am going to miss her so much. I love her so much. The people at the food pantry love missionaries. It is so fun for us, it is amazing. They allow special needs people to come and help them so later they can find a job. We love them.
We had to borrow the hermanas car to go to Murrieta. After we came back they had borrowed our bikes but my back tire was popped. The hermanas had to go to an appointment so they couldn’t give us a ride so we started walking to our appointment. We realized we were going to be 45 minutes late so we each said a silent prayer. We immediately got a phone call and it was a member who saw us walking and said the spirit told her to help us. She took us to our appointment. So prayers are real.

We met with Guy and studied the first chapter of Revelations. He is kind of worried about the state of the world and government and all. So ya.

Because my bike tire is broken, we started walking. It took us 2 hours to walk to Vida’s house. She is the furthest house in our area. We had our lesson with her and taught the law of chastity and the word of wisdom. While we were teaching Vida’s son walks out and brings her a cup of coffee. She was adding her cream and sugar and stirring it right when we read “hot drinks, coffee and tea are not for the belly..”  We all burst out laughing! Pray for Vida, this is going to be hard for her. We have faith it can happen / it will happen. She is trying to be ready for Oct 28 baptism date. Sister Rebar was with us and then she took us to a less active family where we had a great conversation and invited them to trunk or treat.

We taught Bryant his lesson. He is something. His little brother Johnny kept coming in to talk to him and he would say “Johnny I am trying to learn, but you can schedule a time to talk to the sisters.” Remember that this kid is 12. At the end of the lesson we asked him to pray, he was super nervous. We sat there for a while and I told him I would pray first to show him how. After my prayer he said his first vocal prayer. It was so beautiful. He said, “Thank you for the sisters and them taking time to teach me. Please bless my baptism date and help me to make it.” He is so pure and so elect. It is truly one of the sweetest things on my mission hearing Bryant pray for the first time. After his prayer he was beaming. I asked him his favorite treat and he said Taki’s - It reminded me of Ben Verdajo - Ben Ten this guy is your friend - I promised him I would by him Taki’s if he reads five Book of Mormon verses and prays every day.

We went to Jaycee’s house and helped her. She doesn’t have anyone in her life but the missionaries. So we help her. She is kind of crazy. She is impressed by our standards and she wanted a copy of the book of mormon that we all signed for her. She is so cute.

We tried to work but no one is happy for us to be knocking on the door because of the World Series. They just hurry and ask us to leave.
Happy birthday Sunny!

We got transfer calls and I am staying but Sister Stoddard is leaving :/ Everyone knows we have been best friends.
My new companion will be sister Walter. All I know about her is she is super quiet and nice.

We walked to our next appointment and stopped and talked to the Elders and one of their member friends who knows Nate and Patty and is good friends with my cousin Josh.
We found our person we were teaching, Josh also, he has been MIA but invited us to come back again.
We had stake conference. It was amazing. We learned a lot about service missions and the bishop’s storehouse. It made me think about my amazing Ema and Papa, you guys do that! You are awesome. We learned a lot about the temple and its role in ministering. We also talked about kindness and they talked a lot about missionary work that made us happy.

We were walking to our appointment and a lady pulled over and asked, “Are you LDS?” I answered, “Yes we are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints.” She paused and was like “... ok, do you need a ride?” She was so sweet. She explained her concerns and gave us her number and said we could call her.

My new companion Sister Walter’s is really sweet. Some things about her - she has been here for a year and is from Shiloh Arizona by Snowflake. She loves animals and helps her gma shelter and rescue animals. She wants to be a vet and she has had 25 cats and has a dog named Aurora. She is 26 years old. She is quiet but awesome and has an amazing testimony. I am excited to work with her. Every companionship in our zone changed. I have been here nine months! Ta da! It has gone by so fast and I have loved every second of it. We tried to play tennis for exercise. I am not very good at it but I love it.
Sometimes when we teach we are praying the whole time that Heavenly Father will give us what to say.

My scripture hero is Samuel the Lamanite. He has so many attributes I want as a disciple of Christ - fearless, spirit centered, determined, courageous, good, preaching whatsoever things come into his heart - just what I want to be and do. God does put a lot of things into my heart, he gives me love and patience for them. I love how I feel when I am teaching someone.

We had to change Vida and Bryant’s baptism date because she has trouble staying away from coffee. We went to a lesson prepared to teach laws and ordinances but  I felt we needed to talk about something else. I asked her if she had prayed about Joseph Smith and she said she had. I asked her about her experience and she said she didn’t have any experience because she didn’t know anything about him. The mission records said she had been taught the restoration so I have no idea why she missed it but she acted like she had never heard it before as I taught. I told her about the first vision and cried the whole time. The spirit was so strong and she said “Now I get it. He is the guy that received the revelation about coffee right? Now I understand why this is important.” Now all of the roadblocks we have run into with her make sense.

Julie’s other grandsons besides Austin were at her house for our lesson.Those boys are starving for spiritual things. We are now teaching all four of them. They wanted to be part of it and wanted their own copies of the Book of Mormon. One of them was so excited. He said he used to read the bible every night.

I was reading the scriptures and learned in Ether Chapter 6 how the wind that Heavenly Father caused to blow continuously on the Jaredite barges is what caused the tempests that pushed them to the depths of the ocean but He also pulled them up again. I love their attitudes that they are constantly singing praises to Him.  We may have trials but He will always be there to help us and bring us up again. They can be learning experiences. They push us toward the promised land or where God wants us to be and do the things we need to do for Him.
One of the cute boys in our ward is leaving on a mission, he spoke on Sunday and we are so excited for his new adventure because missions are awesome!

Also, our cute friend Brittany is submitting papers to serve a service mission. She is so special and will bless so many lives. We are so excited for her. I cried and cried.  

I love this gospel. I love teaching it and I love living it.
I love you love you,
Sister Dalley

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