Thursday, May 16, 2019

Hundred Hour Work Week!

Hola Mi Familia,
We worked this morning so did not have much time to email today.

This week was Wilford Woodruff Week. We started last Monday at 10 am and worked that day until 9 pm. Every other day we got up at 6 am, got ready, did a half hour study and were out the door by 7:30 am. We worked all day until 9:30 at night. The work we could do was service, lessons, member lessons and finding. So our days were very similar with a lot of tracting and finding and service. The only difference between each day was our numbers so here we go.

Monday - We picked up Katie and Kayla and they both accepted a copy of the Book of Mormon. We invited them to read about it and pray about it. It was really good and they are excited about it. We knocked on 93 doors (5 streets) and did family history with Anne. She has a crazy amount of work to do on her line and she loves family history. In total, we worked 11 hours and 30 minutes. Tada

Day 2 - Tuesday was just a lot of finding. We worked 14 hours and knocked 9 streets, 141 doors. We handed out two copies of the Book of Mormon and picked up two new people. We worked in our areas and other missionaries’ areas as well to help them out.

Day 3 - We worked 14 hours and 2 hours of service. We knocked 5 streets, 132 doors, picked up one person and dropped one copy of the Book of Mormon. We also had district council where we talked about patience - patience with the work, patience with ourselves and patience with God’s timing. It was so cool to see how God’s timing works. We learned how to use different tracting techniques like with a basic beliefs gospel video, a survey and with family history. That day was crazy crunch time awesome. This whole week was crunch time.

Day 4 - Thursday the 9th, we worked 14 hours with 2 ½ hours of service. We knocked on 4 streets and dropped 2 copies of the Book of Mormon. We did not pick up any people. That day we also went to cultivating inclusion. We got to work with the special needs people there. That is always my favorite. There was a lady with beautiful roses in her front yard. I complimented her roses and she gave me a bouquet of flowers. That was such a tender mercy because right after that we learned about a ward member who passed away and we dropped off our roses at the house to comfort the wife because she loves flowers. What are the odds? God knew how that lady was going to feel and that she would need some comfort. He gave us the opportunity to serve her. He gave me something I love so we could give her something she loves. That was so sweet.

Day 5 - the 10th we worked 14 hours, had 6 service hours, knocked 4 streets and 100 doors. Zero Book of Mormons and zero new people. We passed out care packages at the food pantry to the mothers for Mother’s Day which was super fun. We were able to give them a little light in their lives. Right after that we sewed with the stake relief society for the gal who is taking the humanitarian project to India. I got to use my nursing skills and give sister Stoddard a shot in her leg. It was the best!

Day 6 on the 11th we worked 14 hours, 4 ½ hours of service, 4 streets (45 doors) knocked 3 copies of the Book of Mormon and 2 new people. That day our service was the blood drive and had a captive audience, literally. Legally, those who get their blood drawn had to sit in our snack area for 15 minutes!! We got to talk to everybody for 15 minutes straight. It was super great! There were a lot of nonmembers and members. It was great and super fun!

Day 7 - Sunday - we worked 14 hours, 0 service, 7 streets, 108 doors, 1 Book of Mormon and 1 person. We also got to call our dear mothers on Mother’s day! Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers and all the mother figures in my life. I love you all so much. Mom, I am so grateful for you, I hope you know that. That was an awesome day, lots of work, it was crazy. But everyone was either busy with their families or not very interested. Yet, we were able to see a miracle and her name is Polly. We knocked on Polly’s door at 7:45. We talked to her about the Book of Mormon. We asked her if she ever heard of it. She answered, “I heard of it but I have never had the chance to have one or to read it.” So we offered it to her. She said “I’d love it, thank you so much, I am going to read this.” We were like ya we teach with that book and we teach of Jesus Christ and asked if we could come. She is really excited to learn more and learn about the Book of Mormon. So that is really fun. She is a miracle!

This morning, Day 8, we worked 6 hours today until 1 pm. We knocked 3 different streets and 32 doors. We didn’t leave any copies of the Book of Mormon or pick up any people.

In total our week was 100 hours of work which is insane. It was so hard, so crazy and so fun! 17 hours of service, 41 streets, 743 doors total, 11 copies of the Book of Mormon and 8 new people. I have a true testimony that sacrifice brings forth the blessings of heaven. I love that God loves us so much that he is willing to bless us with success and with miracles. I have truly seen miracles this week. This week was crazy. I feel like every single day we were placed in people’s paths. Either we needed them or they needed us. I feel like we were truly guided in being placed where God’s children would be found. We were placed in different circumstances where we would learn more and grow more because frankly it was hard and my body is so exhausted and I am really sleep deprived but guess what, we are going out again and are going to work some more. It was a fun week and it was a good bonding time with our zone as well. I truly have a testimony that God is real and a God of miracles and he loves us so much.

To kind of go along with miracles, I want to share this scripture in Moroni 7

35 ... has the day of miracles ceased?
36 Or have angels ceased to appear unto the children of men? Or has he withheld the power of the Holy Ghost from them? Or will he, so long as time shall last, or the earth shall stand, or there shall be one man upon the face thereof to be saved?
37 Behold I say unto you, Nay; for it is by faith that miracles are wrought; and it is by faith that angels appear and minister unto men…”

This week was truly a week of faith and miracles. Miracles have not ceased, we saw so many!

I hope you all have a fantastic week! To my mama, I love you, I miss you, I hope you had a fantastic mothers day, it was fun to talk to you. Thank you all for your amazing love and support. Thank you for your love, your light and for bringing me joy. I truly felt your prayers this week. I felt myself slipping into exhaustion and then I would be filled with joy because of what I was doing. Joy has a way of wiggling itself into my life because I am so happy to be part of this amazing work, the work of the Lord. I love being a missionary!

Love you, love you, bye!
Sister Dalley

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