Monday, May 13, 2019

Run don't Walk

Hello everybody, how are you doing today? It was an awesome, week a crazy week, no week is normal.
Monday - we played ultimate and signs and basketball for pday. We had a short pday and went to work early. Something fun. We were tracting and knocked on a door. Wet met a guy named John, he wasn’t interested. We knocked on the rest of the street and came back by John’s house. He was outside and started chatting with us again. He asked if we play any kind of instrument and said he used to have missionaries come and play music with him. His wife was home and they invited us in and he taught me how to play the steel guitar. He says I am a natural. He is this funny groovy jazzy navajo descendent who plays for his church. They invited  us back to dinner. We gained a really cool relationship with him.

For family home evening we went to the Stratfords and taught them a discussion about Helaman 5:12. We talked about home we constantly need to be building our foundation, our relationship with Jesus Christ.

Tuesday - we went to a service project at the Satley’s. Her friend Sonja’s daughter who is in medical school is doing a humanitarian project and taking a bunch of supplies and going to India. It was really cool, it was great.

We left there and went to President interviews. You all know how much I absolutely love President. He is my bestie and we are so tight. Something that I thought was so special to me is President invited me to share with him my testimony of the Book of Mormon. So I shared my testimony with him and couldn’t help but cry. I cried, he cried, we laughed. He said “Wow Sister Dalley, now you could never say to me that the church is not true.” I gained that testimony and that witness out here on my mission. It brings so much light and peace and joy into my life. He has seen my progression and growth. I have seen it too.

We had a good conversation. He asked me how I am doing. I answered I am doing great. I love missionary life. My family is doing great at home. I am working hard and having fun. The only thing that is stressing me out is the fact I go home so soon. He said, “Me too.” We had a good little chat about that, how we love being missionaries and we never want it to end. I asked him if I could extend. He said he would ask to do so too and you would ask if I could be on his list of missionaries who extend with him. I love him. He is amazing. We have positive offs. He asked me my goals. I wrote down, “Run don’t walk” I am doubling my urgency and dedication. I have enough time for a lot of things but is it coming up quickly.

We went tracting. I love tracting we tract a lot. A lot of “No’s” a lot of people using their agency. You’ve gotta love that.

We went to mutual speed friendshipping and a lot of my less active friends were there. How fun is that?

Wed - We exchanged and I went to Murrieta YSA. We woke up early and went to the food pantry. Everyone there was so sweet and Christlike. We went to campus. I love YSA work. I have missed that. We did a book with questions. The question we asked is “What has given me peace in my life?” They have a spinning wheel where they have to answer a question. We talked to a beautiful girl, Jasmine, she is spiritual but doesn’t really have a religion. We talked to her about the church and the Book of Mormon. We gave her a Book of Mormon. She was excited and we picked her up as a person to teach. It was a really good day full of miracles and the spirit.
Thursday - we drove with Sister Rushton to the temple. Oh my goodness it was so beautiful. I love the temple. Go to the temple. If you go to the temple, go to the temple more. I can’t believe I took for granted how close the temples were. Home and Idaho, I have lived 5 minutes from the temple. The San Diego temple is an hour to an hour and a half from where I am and that is too far. So many blessings in the temple, so much spirit, and so many answers. That temple is a school for Heaven.  I love it.
We talked to the San Diego sisters there and found out about their mission president. We tracted when we got home. We knocked on the Trueblood’s door. They are not active. We got to build a relationship with them and invite the spirit in their home. We talked with the Nielsen's about missionary work and who they might want to invite to listen to the gospel.

Friday - we did facebook work and work at the food pantry, always the best, you know I love it. We planned for our Wilford Woodruff Week, a hundred hour work week. Most of our zone decided to do it. We are working from 10 to 9:30 today and then the rest of the week we are  getting up a half hour early and working all day, 7:30 to 9:00. We are doing straight missionary work and cutting out anything that is not productive. We are staying out all day and eating on the road. Crunch time dedicated missionary work. We are so excited to do this. We know we will see miracles and are prepared to see them. Any prayers you want to send our way, we will accept that. I am so pumped to just go out and work 100 hours in one week.

We had a lesson with Justin, he is YSA age. He had invited his brother Jake to learn with him. We set some expectations and taught them the restoration and gave them a soft baptismal invite and they accepted it. I felt the spirit and they did too. I loved it. It was so great to teach again, share that love and light and bear testimony of the fruit of the gospel. I love that. It is so true.

We went to service at Carlyn’s house. She is very well versed in the bible. Miss Carlyn thought it was a  good idea to bash us. I wasn’t very appreciative of it. I am grateful though that Heavenly Father gave us the opportunity that morning to testify Joseph Smith is a prophet of God. That morning he gave us the spiritual confirmation that what we were saying was true. He gave us that light and spirit. That morning I was teaching someone the importance of those truths. I just know that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God, I know he was called of God and translated the Book of Mormon. I know the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the true church on this earth. I have seen my relationship with Jesus Christ grow into something I never thought that it could be. I am so grateful for the knowledge and faith I have. I will never deny my savior Jesus Christ and my Father who I love so much. So, when someone tries to bash me, I just want them to know how much God loves them and how much I love my savior. I still love Carlyn, we helped her a lot. We are still doing the work of God and standing up for our beliefs. Her husband told us we were his miracle. He had prayed because he wasn’t handling life at that time and we came. He has been telling everyone we were his miracle.

We went to El Gordito’s which was so good! If you have a chance to eat mexican food in southern California, do it.

Sunday, May 5, happy cinco de mayo! The spirit in church is so amazing. We had dinner with the Franks and the Conely’s. They are crazy people. I fit in well because they actually remind me of my family.

We actually stopped teaching a lot of people this week. That is always an equation to see miracles. We showed faith to put them back in God’s oven and give them a little more preparation time before they receive the gospel. We will pick up new people because of that faith. I am so excited to see all of those.

Please send emails, I love them! I would love encouraging words because this next week is going to be crazy. This week is a perfect week to start off my goal, to run not walk for high intensity and boldness and we started it off perfectly with a fast for missionary work. Thank you for all your prayers for me for your support for my mission and my areas. I hope you have a fantastic week. I am so excited for it.

Have a great week! Love you, love you, bye!

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